Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Today is a new day of a new year!

I know it isn't exactly the very start, but its better than not actually writing anything. I'm a little late, admit that. I'm sorry. I just havn't been writing much because there isn't anything to write about.

Its been a stready start. It hasn't been the best, but it hasn't been that bad. There hasn't been any major disasters in my life. Nothing completely unbelievable happened. Its just been a pretty good.

The best thing about all of this is that I have more friends now than in the pass years. I've never been so welcomed before. I feel very comfortable and accepted by great people. My relationship with my family has only improved. I'm closer to my grandparents now and even though my mom is in another country, we still chat and get along. I'm glad I didn't start the year with cutting any ties.

I'll freely admit. It hasn't been my best school year concerning my grades. I havn't been concentrating. My priorities have been really mixed up and I'm not as passionate as I was last school year.

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