Friday, November 24, 2006

PDA: Partially Depressing Afternoon

Actually, P.D.A. (Public Display of Affection) is involved in the story. Unfortunately wasn't real. It was just for a small show. And by small, I mean in front of the whole school.

It was little awkward. The fact that almost everyone was there watching what we were doing for 5 minutes was really nerve-racking. There was also the fact it was my first "Doxology" was also something at I kept thinking about, and that there were many lifts and that I'm not exactly "light". Then I made the most mistakes. I was so thankful to learn that my class wasn't there to see me. At least everyone was to busy wondering about me and my friends "friendship" in real life, that they may not have noticed the mistakes as much as I thought they did.

I was also thinking about the guy lifting me, apart from being his concerned, guilty friend that he had to lift, I also have a huge crush on him. Being that close to him for those times in practices and the actual event was what we call, in the Philippines, "kilig" moments. We're very good friends and I'm thankful that it wasn't terribly awkward. I really liked it. He's a great guy, and I still can't believe we did those things in front of so many people. Thankfully, he's also a great actor. Apart from the lifting, it wasn't that difficult. He keeps on impressing me. To be honest, it wasn't just the lifting that was hard for me to do, it was also the roles. That's because I'm not an actress.

I was suppose to be Eve and he was suppose to be Adam. We were suppose to be the first man and woman created. So of course, we had to be very sweet with each other. I liked it, but I was still shy to do the things that we did. It wasn't that serious. We danced. We held each others hands. We held each other. There was a point in the middle of the presentation that we had an "Eskimo kiss". We rubbed noses. That was that.

Then comes the afternoon. The very depressing afternoon of me being guilty with my performance. But it turns out, only my close friends actually talk about that.

The others were still wondering about our "friendship". I was a little relieved that they didn't mention my horrid performance. Unfortunately, I repeatedly answer the same question "We're we couple?" My only answered "He's a really good actor." But I wasn't, at least I didn't need to be for this role.

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